Well... I said I would post art...
Well. I DID say I was going to post some art! So... Here it is! I know I've been slacking a lot recently, sorry about that, but I've been really busy. SO! Here yah are! Oh? It's sideways!? Ah, I guess you'll have to deal... WELP. This is a song by Hall & Oates called 'Camellia', so I drew 'Camellia' along with some of the lyrics. So, this is the offspring of a drawing challenge. It was to take something multiple animals were doing, and then draw it with humans! I chose a picture of a fawn standing on a crocodile's back. The croc's mouth was open, and I achieved that, but I wasn't able to draw her on his shoulders like I had imagined. It just became too hard! Aw! Lookie here, it's a dragon in a blanket! So cute! For this one, I drew a song! Most people are confused, "Stanley, why does the girl have wings? And this has nothing to do with the movie The Greatest Showma...