Well... I said I would post art...

Well. I DID say I was going to post some art! So... Here it is! I know I've been slacking a lot recently, sorry about that, but I've been really busy. SO! Here yah are!

Oh? It's sideways!? Ah, I guess you'll have to deal...

WELP. This is a song by Hall & Oates called 'Camellia', so I drew 'Camellia' along with some of the lyrics.

So, this is the offspring of a drawing challenge. It was to take something multiple animals were doing, and then draw it with humans! I chose a picture of a fawn standing on a crocodile's back. The croc's mouth was open, and I achieved that, but I wasn't able to draw her on his shoulders like I had imagined. It just became too hard!

Aw! Lookie here, it's a dragon in a blanket! So cute!

For this one, I drew a song! Most people are confused, "Stanley, why does the girl have wings? And this has nothing to do with the movie The Greatest Showman!" Well, I didn't WANT it to be about The Greatest Showman, I wanted it to be about the meaning of the song! She has wings, because it's about a girl, though she is disabled, she dreams to fly!

ANNNND this one's just flat-out upside-down. Great job, phone! Well, I'm super proud of this one. The anatomy is actually really good! And the boots came out AMAZING! This isn't anyone in particular, just art.

I'm sorry this was such a small post, but I will post more if y'all want! If not, I may post the start of a new short story I'm working on! I may even get to post the whole thing, because I'm not planning on publishing it! I will do a second one this week for y'all because I missed a Saturday. Wait, did I miss more than ONE!?

Signing off!



  1. Awesome! The Million Dreams one reminds me of Artham from the Wingfeather Saga.

  2. Ohh! Pete the sock man? I love Pete! Thanks, Dekreel!

  3. AWESOME!! This is my favorite post so far. I love art and your has a very unique vibe to it so I hope you never stop drawing and dreaming. Keep it up!

    1. Yeah it's cool to give your art a meaning and not just draw random doodles

  4. Oh, that was so nice! Thank you, Laura! I'll definitely try! ;)

  5. The boots lady is pretty awesome. How long did it take you to draw her?

    1. The boots lady? XD It took me a good few hours. But it was over the span of a few days.

  6. AHHH!!! Epic! I love "A Million Dreams," the one with the winged girl! :)

    1. Thank you SO MUCH! That one took me around an hour and a lot of inspiration.


      And 'A Million Dreams' on repeat for forty-five minutes.



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