The Liebster Award... Times Two?


gnaws book in terror

I've been tagged.


And it's past the weekend, so I better post something.

Well, time for the challenge! If you don't know what this is, don't worry!

Rules! (Meant to be broken, in my opinion.)

Acknowledge the blog who gave you the love and grace for deciding to tag you. Thanks a million Dekreel and Nola!

2. Answer eleven *ahem* In this case, TWENTY-TWO questions given by the challengers.

3. Give eleven fact about yourself.

4. Nominate eleven blogs to do the same, and give them eleven questions. I'm going to skip the tagging part, but any of y'all could answer these questions, whenever you like!

Now! To begin with Dekreel...

1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Probably that I can send my posts whenever, or wherever to all my followers and friends! And that I can share my art with the world!

2. What is your favorite space object? (Planet, satellite, star, etc.)


3. What kind of car do you want?

I'm not a huge car fan myself. I do like classics though...

An army jeep. That's what I want.

4. Cats or dogs? Why?

IKR? Why can't we choose BOTH?

Though seriously, cats. They are always interesting and funny, and dogs make me get anxiety attacks.

5. If you had any creature for a pet, fictional or non-fictional, what would you choose?

A toothy cow from the Wingfeather Saga.

They are my JAM.

6. If you were forced to listen to one song non-stop for twenty-four hours, which song would you pick?




7. Do you consider yourself more like ice, liquid water, or steam?

Steam. There when you need it, but can disappear without a trace. I can disappear in a relationship, conversation, party, or anything you can think of without usually being detected. People just... Forget I'm there, usually. But I always want to be there if someone needs me.

8. Crunchy cookies or chewy cookies? Why?

Neither. The kind that melts in your mouth with that soft icing on top, THAT'S what I dig.

9. What would your OC order at a restaurant?

Tyler: Do you have any... Bloody raw meat?

Filico: Plant food, by any chance?

Solomon: Do you have... Water?

Why did I choose my sons that DON'T EAT.

10. When you encounter a puddle, do you walk around it, walk through it, jump in it, or something else?

I don't walk.

I don't jump.

I stomp.

11. Do you think people should try to populate Mars?

If they want too, I guess. Just leave the untouched corners of the earth, untouched.

Now time for Nola's!

1. What would you consider your passion or gift is?

Writing, poetry, acting, singing, drawing... The Arts, in general.

2. What is your favorite instrument? (To play or to hear?)

My voice. I love to sing! But to hear, I would choose a violin.

3. Movies or TV shows?

TV shows. More depth. But it depends on what's playing.

4. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

NIGHT. OWL. I HATE mornings.

5. What is your favorite school subject?

Biology! I really want to either work at a zoo, be a biology teacher, or become a zoologist!

6. One of your own characters (from writing, drawing, or just pure imagination) happens before your doorstep. He/she knocks on the door. You begin to open it as you see him/her. Who is the character, and what is he/she doing there?

L... Lacey?

Mom! I need your help!

Wh-what f-for?

I need a camera! Harper is arm wresting with Mack and I need to take a video!

*hugs character* Take me. I have a phone.

Allrighty, we're going. *walks off whilst dragging me behind her*

7. You have the choice to either bring in a character from your favorite game, book, or movie into this world, or put yourself into the world of your favorite game, book, or movie. You can't take anyone with you, though. What would you choose?

*grabs the unpublished version of my book The Rockwood Project and leaps through*

Well, if I would never be able to return...

*Tears Filico from his story and kerplunks him into a sofa*

8. Say you have the ability of a Silvertongue from the movie Inkheart - whatever you read out loud comes to pass in the real world. Which book would you choose, and what would you read out loud?

Arabian Nights. And I would read the tale of Aladdin. And probably some other tales no one knows about.

9. What is your favorite quote from a book, movie, or game?

This simple quote made me drop the book, grab a pencil and paper, and write it down before I did anything else. I could relate so much, and it made me very emotional. It's from the AMAZING book Willa of the Wood.

"I will." she said. Making herself scarce, as he called it, seemed to be the only thing she was good at.

10. Say you had to learn one method of self-defense and one method only. You couldn't use anything else if you were in a hostile situation. What method of self-defense would you choose to learn, use, and trust?

I detest any kind of intentionally painful violence, so I would learn to use Spiderman's web fluid. I could wrangle any dangerous persons without harm. And that would be fun.

11. Give the most random use for an empty box of tissue.

A court for insects. The kind where you sue people.

So... On to the facts! I can't believe I wrote all that down...

1. I sometimes use my dad's shampoo because I'm lazy.

2. I write songs, share them with no one, and never connect any sort of instrument with them.

3. I have three cats and a snake. The cats are named Skippy (short for Skippy John Jones), Willow, and Harriet, and the snake is named Charabiss.

4. I have three internet names. Stanley, Julie, and CatClack. None of which are my real name.

5. I would wear capes every day if they weren't considered weird.

6. I've never broken a bone, nor sprained anything.

7. I love to sing. And listen to music. That does not mean I am not cripplingly uncultured in the music world.

8. I hate all sports. I've tried basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, marksmanship, bowling, gymnastics and archery. The only one I liked was archery. (I don't mind gymnastics, but I would never take a class ever again.) And I do not understand why people watch it, that's even weirder.

9. I am obsessed with 'apocalypse' type things. Don't know why...

10. I collect the old versions of these toys called Littlest Pet Shop (LPS), because they are cute and don't judge me because you do something weird, too.

11. I LOOOOVE reading. I check out an average of seven books per library visit.

Well, I'm done with the facts! Now you know how weird I am.

(Actually, that was just the tip of the iceberg. You couldn't explain my weirdness if you tried.)

Also, sorry for the late blog post. And the sudden background change.

Now for the questions!

1. What would you do if your meal jumped to life screaming 'MURDERER!'?

2. If aliens stole all of your milk, what would you do?

3. Say someone TP's your house, covers your car in post-it-notes, eggs your mailbox, and leaves a note saying... 'In your face, loser.'. How do you exact revenge?

4. What is your favorite combination of colors?

5. You are forced to wear one color for the rest of the month. What is that color?

6. You get framed for pranking the principal. (Oohh, jam covering the inside of his car? That's got to hurt...) How do you stand up to the jerk who just blamed you?

7. Time yourself. Create a whole story in one minute. Please, elaborate.

8. How do you wind down after a rough day?

9. What is your honest reaction to seeing a roach in your bed?

10. What is your reaction to waking up with a lizard under the blankets with you. While your cat is trying to kill it. (This happened to me. Don't ask...)

11. Quick! Call the police! The strangest thing happened, they might not believe you... What just happened to make you call the police?



I can't believe I'm done with that.


It's late. I need some shut-eye.

Well, that's it, folks! Have a blessed day!

See you next time!



  1. I had no idea how similar we were until I read this. I wrote songs without instruments, too, I also love the Wingfeather Saga, dogs make me nervous, aliens are uber-awesome. . . Okay, random question, do you know your Myers-Briggs/MBTI type?

  2. No? XD

    I'm not sure what that is, mind elaborating?

    1. It's a personality type thingy. If you go to you can take a test. It's that ENFP/ISTJ/ESF. . . whatever, that everyone likes.

    2. Yeah, I like it. It's pretty cool. I be an ENFP, and I somehow have a strong feeling you'd be either an ENFP too, or maybe an INFP. Or in between. I don't know. XD

  3. THAT IS SO AMAZING AAHHHHH!!! I love it!!! :D When you said you'd read out "Arabian Nights," I thought that was so funny because in the movie "Inkheart," one of the characters actually did read that out! O . O Also, I loved the question about your food jumped to life screaming, "MURDERER!!!" LOL!!!

  4. EEK! I'm so glad you liked it!

    Wait, THEY DID? O.O I've never seen that movie...


    1. I LOVED it! It was so good! :D (And awesome new background, by the way. It's much easier to see the text. ^-^)

      And yes, haha! In "Inkheart," the characters read out some treasure and also read out Farid. LOL!

  5. I need help. I am BOOKLESS!!!!! After reading many books like the hobbit Harry Potter, Land of Stories, Anne of green gables and many more. So I was wondering if some people could help me find a good FAT book that is for young adults thanks

  6. Ah, I see. A serious case of 'Booklessinduim', let me see what I can do.

    I can suggest these books:
    The Wingfeather Saga
    The Map to Everywhere
    Willa of the Wood
    The Cats of Tanglewood Forest
    and A Wrinkle in Time. I wasn't a fan of the other books in the series, though. The second one was good, but the others were not so great. Happy reading!

  7. Can I tell you a good book series you might like it's called Fox Craft it's about foxes and magic (you most likely knew that from the name). it's very friendly and it reminded me of the Willa of the wood so you might like or not hopefully you will. Happy reading: )

  8. Oh, interesting! I'll try it. Thanks so much!

  9. Real quick, I was wondering if you were going to tag anyone for the Liebster Award. You gave questions, but who is going to answer them?

  10. I said that anyone could answer them, they don't even need to post it! Just something you can do on your own time.


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