The Rockwood Project Character Introduction!

Okay, I know this is going to be a small post, ANNND that it's kindasortaunnecessary...

But I'm going to make it, because I WANT TO. Mkay?

Welp, here we go!

Sara: Woah! Where am I... Wait... Mom's blog? WOO!

Tyler: Wait... I-I'm in a blog? Mom...?

Rust: This I like. 

Vallery: What is this place? Let me out I say! Let me out!

So! Here are the main characters! Introduce yourselves...

Tyler: H-h-hi. I'm the main character... I'm a vampire... The book is from my point of view... looks towards mother in panic

Sara: Hi, y'all! I'm one of the main character's too! I'm a human, the first person Ty meets, and I'm probably the best with socializing. small smile

Rust: Hello. I'm not in the story yet, though I am coming very soon. Seventh chapter, about? I speak with telepathic powers, because my English is bad. I am a Velscencroptr, a bat-human hybrid that cannot fly. 

Vallery: I am the main villain. I am a human. I despise all non-humans. In our world, they are called Dyr if not specified. glares at Tyler and Rust

On this post you can ask anything you want about my characters! What is their favorite animal... Favorite color... Anything! I'll post the first chapter right after, no worries!

See you then!



  1. YAAAY!!! That's so cool! :D What's Tyler's favorite color? (And I think it's so cool you have a telepathic character 'cause I do too! XD In SB.)

  2. Cool!

    Tyler likes darker colors. He dislikes bright and especially neon shades. He is accustomed to more earthy tones, but he would probably choose a dark navy blue color.

  3. Hm. Actually, Velscencroptrs prey on Vampires and Humans or other large animals. She probably wouldn't mind it if she had too, though.

  4. I really enjoyed your little post. I have the most silly question ever I hope you are ready for this so here it goes. What Hogwarts house would your characters be in??? As you most likely know I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan!

  5. Um one more question ok. What would be your characters favorite books or songs? Oops that's two sorry ;)

  6. Oh, good questions!

    Vallery is in Slytherin, Tyler and Sara are Hufflepuffs, and Rust is a Ravenclaw. Tyler nearly was a Gryffindor...

    Sara's favorites are probably Video Killed the Radio Star, and a collection of Edgar Allen Poe's works.
    Tyler... He can't read, and he's almost never listened to music before... :T
    Rust... general heavy metal.
    Vallery, a guide to hunting Dyr, and orchestral music.

  7. Thats cool.I am in Gryffindor. what about you?

  8. What's an activity that the characters have wanted to try?

  9. I'm in Hufflepuff!

    Hm... An activity?

    Rust has always wanted to fly, for sure.

    Tyler wants to learn to read.

    Sara wants to try skydiving.

    And Vallery wants to kill her first Dyr, what can I say.

  10. Nice Hufflepuff is awesome!

  11. It is! The common room is very homey, I've heard. XD


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