Chapter One: My Last Name is a Joke.
Chapter 1: My Last Name is a Joke. Hello there. This lovely creature you see before you is me, Tyler Dutchess. I was born and bitten a vampire, but if I had chosen, I would gladly pick human over blood-sucking beast. You might say either vampires are dumb, or that being a vampire would be awesome. Well, if you said ‘ Vampires are dumb ’ then I would undoubtedly agree. Well, they’re not dumb, more like terrifyingly powerful. And if you said, ‘ Being a vampire would be awesome ’, let me explain why you’re wrong. The powers you would get are pretty worth it, you might say, but there are five billion too many cons for me. First, you can fly, but it’s not as easy as lifting off and whooshing around. The wings rip themselves from your back whenever you want to fly; it's because to fly, you sort of turn into a bat, sort of stay a vampire. It’s complicated. Also, the vampire customs aren't fun either. Vampires leave their children to fend for themselves...