Sage Advice! ~yes I was tagged~

So, I was tagged for something actually really cool! A challenge thing called 'Sage Advice'.

I am going to thank the person who tagged me. Thanks a billion, Dekreel!

Here are the rules! (Also I am SO SORRY for not making posts sooner. I'm pretty busy IRL, and a lot of stuff is happening at the moment.)

1. Thank the blogger who tagged you, if any.
2. Share ten pieces of 'Sage Advice' you have deemed necessary over the years from your own experience.
3. Tag (at least) four bloggers to share some of their own advice!
4. Have fun with it, and make sure you don't post something no one understands.

Okay, so I'm not someone who writes down the 'lessons' they have learned from life. I just subconsciously remember to avoid specific types of situations. BUT, I do write a mean verse, so let's go!

1. If you have anxiety, don't shove yourself into unnecessary situations.

This is very self-explanatory. I have done this thinking it will help me 'Overcome' my anxiety, especially about specific things. Unless you have someone you know very well by your side to help you through it, don't.

2. Don't be an idiot like me and never read your Bible. It's a bad habit.

3. If something serious is happening, never ever shove it away. If you need to talk about it to someone, do it!

I have some friends who can't stand talking about serious things, or having necessary arguments with people they know about actual problems. It's not handy that you freak out when someone starts talking about their anxiety or depression, when you have it too. This is something I've noticed in multiple individuals...

4. Don't focus on popularity. Don't.

I don't CARE how much you want to be popular. It's not good to strive for it, its unhealthy ad will take over your life, drain your energy and much needed sleep, and you'll turn into a crying mess.

5. Don't focus on 'needing' a relationship. You don't need one, you really don't. (Unless the relationship you already have is suffering. I don't know how to help with that.)

I am still trying to get rid of this greedy feeling. It's saved me many sleepless nights to just forget about getting a boy's attention. This goes for you boys with girls, too. A lot of times the boy isn't even worth my time.

6. Being brave doesn't mean fearless. It means facing your fear.

7. Don't let horrible thoughts overwhelm you. I don't care if you think that they 'MUST be true'. They aren't, so shut up.

8. Someone out there LOVES you to the fullest extent possible. That person is GOD. And even if you don't believe in God (He still loves you, though.), someone else out there does! Don't be dragged down by your failures. Be lifted up by your triumphs.

This next one is a doozie...

9.Thinking highly of yourself, and thinking lowly of yourself is both pride. God doesn't accept pride.

I had no idea this was even a THING until I found out in church today.

Thinking only about yourself is pride. No matter what the thoughts actually are.

And finally...!

10. You don't need to be tough, or to shove yourself into tough situations to be cool. C. H. I. L. L.

This is super true. I have done it over the years and... Some of it actually did help, but some of it made my anxiety much much worse. And I can't undo that...

I'm sorry this took so long, but it's here! I hope y'all enjoy!



  1. About the fifth one: God made us for relationships. It's okay to want to be loved/have someone to love, it's only natural, and denying it is basically saying "I don't need anyone in my life. I can scrub it out just fine on my own." However, I think what you're trying to hit on is that we shouldn't idolize relationships. They shouldn't be the source of our happiness and we shouldn't be perfectly miserable without them. Some of us may never have relationships, however, at our age, we REALLY shouldn't be thinking along those lines now. Both partners are too immature for anything good to come of it. So until you're old enough to marry the dude tomorrow, I'd suggest growing your character in the faith before wondering if someone laddie notices you.Trust me, he will in time.
    ~ Betsy Burnclock

  2. Yeah, I wrote most of this a little bit ago, so yeah, agreed.

  3. I agree with these! Just making sure, though, #2 means that you SHOULD read your Bible, right? XD


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