The Imaginary Assistant Tag! Feat: My Cat Harriet

So, hey! Two posts in a row in one day! WOW!Really crankin' out the tunes!


1. Thank the person who tagged you! THANK YOU EMILYYYYYYYYYYYY

2. Link back to the creator of this wonderifulous tag: Dino's Digest

3. Tag five to ten bloggers to create their very own imaginary assistant friends! Yeah, I'mma be skippin' that... I AM SORRY I AM LAZY.

4. Answer the following questions so your imaginary assistant will be as accurate as possible. But thanks to the Author Assistant Agency!

1. What type of creature/species would you like your assistant to be (human, animal, dragon, dinosaur, figment of your imagination, etc.)

I would like them to be... Hrmrmrmrm.... A DracoCat! A cat with horns and wings! Plus a dragon tail...

2. What do you want your assistant to look like?

 I want them to have grey tabby fur, redish horns, red, spiky, leathery wings and a red scorpion tail. With big, forest-green eyes! (And tufts of black fur at the end of their ears.) He's a boy, duh.

3. What qualities are you looking for in an assistant (responsible, lovable, exasperating, etc.)?

 He would be super nice and precious, but a ravenous predator as well. He'd have a British accent and have super proper grammar, so he can help me with any writing errors. He also would probablt not trust too many people.

4. What job(s) would your assistant be in charge of?

 He would help me with my writing, and with my anxiety, and would help me clean up when I get messy and lazy. He'd also convince me to get exercise, haha.

5. What would you like your assistant to be named?


 6. What would you feed your assistant (candy, books, pickles, etc)?

 I would feed him all the dead things my cat Harriet brings to my front door and never finishes, and I'd feed him bad writing.

-crams Warrior Cats down his throat-

7. How would you pay your assistant and what benefits would you offer as compensation for their work?

 I'd give him lots of love and cuddles and extra pillows. I'd also shine his scales, and let him tear up the neighbors bushes if they feel extra mean.

8. What special abilities would you like your assistant to have (i.e. ice powers to freeze writer’s block, super strength to break writer’s block, or super stupidity to stare at you while you’re having writer’s block)?

Super creativity, and the power to make me believe I'm not a terrible human being.

9. Where would you like your assistant to be from (Jurassic Park, Narnia, your head)?

The Pirate Stream! Then he'd be able to take me there and tell me all about his fantastic adventures!

10. Will you solemnly swear to you will not fire your assistant in either sickness or in health, for richer for poorer, smarter or stupider, writing or not writing, for as long as you both shall live?

 -lays a paw over heart-

I solemnly swear.

A strange and beautiful DracoCat appears as if from nowhere, mewing and carrying a book in his mouth.



See ya, peeps!

-hugs DracoCat tight-



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