Behind the Blogger Tag!
Hello my friends! Today someone has clipped another tag onto my jacket, and it's been dreadfully hard to remove. ~angrily tugs at paper attached to jacket~ Hmm, it looks like it says... Behind the Blogger...? Well, anyhow, it'll make a good post! ~Rules~ 1. Thank the person who tagged you! Thank you, Emily! Go on over and say hi to her at The Ink Stained Desk! 2. Answer the questions. No problemo. 3. Say howdy to the dandy little friend that created this tag. Ellyn of Allonsythornraxx! 4. Nominate 5 or more BlogBesties to accompany you in being tagged! Not sure if I can do that, BUT I SHALT TRY! ~Questions~ 1. Why did you start blogging, and why have you kept blogging? Mostly because every single web page that talks about writing says having a blog is a must-have. And I figured it'd be fun! It's been interesting so far, but IDK. It feels great being able to share with the world. 2. What is your favorite type of blog post to write? Gosh, go...