The Seven Deadly Sins of Writing

Okay, so, today I'm gonna address something kinda serious. Well, less serious, but still something that should be noted, at the very least.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Writing. Everywriter has stumbled across at least one in their time. And, hah, you can't get away with a 'Writer's Sin'. They show. And oh boy, they alter your story big time.

(Not gonna point fingers, but lookin' at you, Story Thieves and Warrior Cats.)

But, a lot of times, people don't even know that they are committing one of the many Writer's Sins. Many of my good friends have, in fact, fallen to these great beasts. But, no matter, I will address them today.

1. Lust

Okay, this one I actually had a hard time with. Lust is when you have a romance, that you influence a little too well. Sexual behavior with characters, even after marriage, is a BIG no-no. And I had a little trouble understand what was too far. I know now, so, don't worry.

2. Gluttony

Now, now, I'm not crazy. I see a lot of books suffer from Gluttony. Gluttony is when a book, most of the time it's a series, is too long. Okay, yeah, we understand that Eragon had to go through a lot of trials and errors and romantic mishaps and that HUGE journey and a bunch of wars and, ok, that battle scene made me melt into a puddle of tears. Oh wait, now his back hurts? Aw, here, lemme just-OH MY WORD GET TO THE POINT ALREADY. Yes, I know some people like long books...

But the Eragon series literally went way too far. Even single books can take it over the edge sometimes.

3. Greed

This is when a Writer takes one good idea for their story. And then another. And another. And another. And... Another... And... MORE!? Yes, there CAN be too much of a good thing. (Except God, haha.) And I've seen fully-fledged books have so many good and even sub-par to bad ideas mixed together, it's a huge mess. It's ugly, it's mean, and it's chock-full of plotholes.

4. Sloth

This is a Writer's Sin that I have a HUGE history with. Gluttony is when a Writer puts off their creative talents. When they say "I'll do it tomorrow" or "In a minute" and they never ever do. Don't make excuses. We all suffer from this baddie. In fact, I suffered so badly that I caught Creative Block! That terrible sickness has been dragging me down all summer. Don't get caught by Sloth. DON'T.

5. Wrath

Wrath sounds a bit odd for a Writer's Sin.

Oh, CatClack, how does Wrath count as a Writer's Sin? Bad guys always need to be awful and bad and-

YEAH BUT LEMME EXPLAIN. Wrath is when a Writer makes all the bad things happen to their character. All. The bad things. All of them. It can get stereotypical and boring and generally pretty pathetic. Hearthstone from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, for example, was born deaf and mute or something, and on top of that, his parents and all of Elf kind hate him forever. And then his little brother, the only one who loved him, dies. And he took the blame for some reason. Oh, and he has to work his little tail off until he can cover the monster's skin that murdered his brother with gold. Every hair. And then he can stop working. Oh, wait, and he also has some pretty unsavory adventures with the other main characters. You see what I mean? It gets old fast.

6. Envy


Ahh, and we all know this last one.

7. Fanfics

Okay, a lot of them are super inappropriate, but back to the point.

7. Pride

Alright. I had a hard time with this one when I was a wee little writerling. Pride is pretty obvious. Bro. Humble yourself. It's not better than Harry Potter and you know it. It's good, but calm down. Geez. People these days.

Welp, that's all, folks!

Tell me, what did you think of The Seven Deadly Sins of Writing? Do you think there are any more? And, most importantly, did this help at all?

But, do keep in mind that this was mostly for satire purposes, and I do not think that I am superior compared with characters/books/writers mentioned. But, some 'sins' do need to be shoved in some writer's faces before they even realize that they suffer from them.




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