Short Stories with Big Meanings

Okay, I'm not super big on short stories. My short stories are SUPER long. Like, a small book.

I like detail and traveling deep into the story's universe. Not, blah blah blah, the end.

But, The Aetherlight Forums (ALF) community has created an online newspaper for the forum's residents. So, I signed up for the short story, since I didn't have time to be the comics artist last time, which I usually am. So, I made a small and meaningful story called The Boy and The Bear.

It's a metaphor, but I'll leave you guys to comment on what the metaphor was about.

~The Boy And The Bear~

Once there was a teenage boy who was accompanied by a bear. 
The bear was always with him, no matter where he went. 
The bear always gave the boy what he really needed, and kept him away from what he wanted. 
The boy didn’t like the bear much. The bear would protect the boy, and the boy would complain. 
The bear would talk to him when he was sad, but the boy just pitched a fit. 
The bear would keep him away from bad people, but the boy would just say: 
“What are you doing, you mangy-faced bear!? Those are my friends!”. 
But the little boy didn’t know that his ‘friends’ carried knives behind their backs. 
The bear just had to shake his head sadly.

One day, after being embarrassed by the bear in school all day, the boy slammed his door behind 
him and sulked in his room. The bear went up to open the door and be with the boy, but the boy threw 
open the door and glared at him.

“You follow me around everywhere like some circus freakshow! None of the other kids have a 
hulking bear watching their every move! Get out! GET OUT!” the boy screeched.

The bear looked the boy sadly in the eye as a tear fell down his furry cheek.

And he left.

The boy smirked, feeling powerful and happy that he finally got rid of that strange bear. A sudden, 
strange knock echoed on the boy’s door. He walked downstairs to open up the door, but as he did, 
three black figures loomed over the doorway. The dripped black ooze and grinned with pointed, 
perfectly white teeth. Their eyeless sockets were pointed at the boy.

The boy screamed, and leapt back, calling over and over for the bear to come back. 

The creeping, slithering beasts came through his door, laughing silent, mocking laughs.

The bear didn’t come.

Hope you guys enjoyed!



  1. Wow... that is meaningful. I assume that the bear signifies God, and the boy humankind... but why didn't the bear come when the boy called? Do you believe that's what God would do?
    Btw, I'm not trying to pick a fight, I'm genuinely curious. :)

  2. And it did that weird glitch. I'll fix it.

    It signifies when humans go to hell, actually. We can cry all we want, but he won't take us out.

    1. Oh, I can see that now!
      I love the story, btw. You've got so much talent! :D <3

  3. Wow. That's really epic! I so totally agree that this story has an epically deep meaning - you never know how much that bear protects you until it's gone. :T


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