Behind the Blogger Tag!

Hello my friends! Today someone has clipped another tag onto my jacket, and it's been dreadfully hard to remove.

~angrily tugs at paper attached to jacket~

Hmm, it looks like it says... Behind the Blogger...? Well, anyhow, it'll make a good post!


1. Thank the person who tagged you! Thank you, Emily! Go on over and say hi to her at The Ink Stained Desk!

2. Answer the questions. No problemo.

3. Say howdy to the dandy little friend that created this tag. Ellyn of Allonsythornraxx!
4.  Nominate 5 or more BlogBesties to accompany you in being tagged! Not sure if I can do that, BUT I SHALT TRY!


1. Why did you start blogging, and why have you kept blogging?

Mostly because every single web page that talks about writing says having a blog is a must-have. And I figured it'd be fun! It's been interesting so far, but IDK. It feels great being able to share with the world.

2. What is your favorite type of blog post to write?

Gosh, good question! I'm not sure. Anything writerly. I love being able to share what I think about writing, what I've learned, and what I've done!

3. What are your top three favorite blog posts?

Ahh, lemme see...

The Seven Deadly Sins of Writing

The Imaginary Assistant Tag! Feat: My Cat Harriet

Writer's Words: Into the Mind of An Artist

4. What are some of your favorite things to do to relax?

Listen to music, write, chat with a couple friends, look at memes, get lost in my own brain... Emphasis on lost.

5. What are three of your favorite things?

God, friends, art. In that order.

6. What are your proudest blogging moments?

Probably the first day. The first post, the first changes, the first comments... I was extremely proud. My blog has come to a strange point now. I've been thinking of changing platforms... It sounds weird, but I'll basically be taking my blog, me, and all my old posts to a new area. Probably Wordpress. I'll have the same name, though.

7. What are our hobbies outside of blogging?

Hanging out with my dog, art, archery, reading, writing, criticizing what I'm reading...

8. Describe your personality in three words.

Determined, weird, bright.

9. What are your top three pet peeves?


1. Fake friends


2. Interrupted noises or sounds that sound nice. Like music, for example.

I hate this so much. There isn't a lot to be explained.

3. Being wet.

Yeah, this is weird. I hate being wet... Like... A lot. If you get me wet, you'll get SOAKED.

10. What is something your followers don't know about you?

Haha, I don't exactly have many to begin with!

Hmn. I'm not sure, maybe the fact that I have a rubber spine? I'm like, super flexible. But bending forward to tough my toes has always been a problem... Huh...


Uhhh... IDK if I can pull this off.
Yeah, I'm sorry, but I'll have to skip. Everyone I know has been tagged!
Man! This was fun!

Anywhose, I think I'll head out now. The next chapter of The Rockwood Project is coming, I swear. I'm just a bitto lazy... And I think I have a new story to put the entirety of it up for reading! YAY!

Over and out!



  1. Sorry I haven't read this until now. I think moving the blog onto WordPress is a good idea; I highly recommend it. ---b


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