Interview With Dekreel!

A while back, Dekreel asked to interview me, so, I also interviewed her!

So, I am proud to present...

Dekreel, from the crazy-amazing blog of...

Inky RambleBeast!

My words will be Italicized and hers will be boldfaced.

CatClack: Dogs or cats? (IN MY OPINION, IT'S 'OR')

Dekreel: No contest, cats. Dogs scare me. 

CatClack: Favorite kind of tree? (It doesn't have to be species, just the general types of trees that are the best.)

Dekreel: I don't really think about trees that often, so I'm not sure. I like trees whose leaves are within arm's reach because it gives the place a sort of wild feel, and they're easier to photograph. But I also like tall trees because they give sort of a majestic feel.

In conclusion, any tree that looks cool is my jam. 

CatClack: Fav Fandom? 

Dekreel:  YOUTUBE ANIMATION!!! *fireworks explode in background*

TheOdd1sOut *BANG*, Alan Becker *BANG*, Let Me Explain Studios *BANG*, Jaiden Animatiooonnnnzzz. . . *KABOOM*

Doctor Who, Wingfeather Saga and The Aetherlight are cool too. *firecrackers crackling*

Okay, I'll shut up now. 

CatClack: Are you an Edgelord, Dramaqueen, or Edgequeen?

Dekreel: *sighhhh. . .* Well I'd rather be a dramaqueen than an edgelord so. . . x.x 

CatClack: Explain your aesthetic.

Dekreel: That's another question I don't really think about. . . The first thing that came to mind was "emotional". With a sci-fi/steampunk flair. 

CatClack: Favorite art supplies brand?

Dekreel: I don't have one. I just use whatever functions. 

CatClack: Worst fear?

Dekreel: People judging me. . . and balloons. 

CatClack: Do you have pets? If so, what are they like? 

Dekreel: Two cats and a lizard. One cat is basically Garfield and Bucky (Get Fuzzy) combined. He's fat and lazy and demands attention. He's always hungry yet is super picky about how fresh his food is. He's really grumpy too. He swats at strangers. The other cat is nicer than the first one. He doesn't complain as much, and he's more content. He begs for food when they actually need food. He has a wild side to him too as he sometimes makes a break for it outside (both our cats are indoor). He's a really sweet kitty.

As for the lizard. . . I dunno, ask my sister. She knows him better.

CatClack: Opinion on a random space Banana-Man popping out of nowhere.

Dekreel: o.o Um. What?

CatClack: Favorite pattern?

Dekreel: Plaid! I've had an appreciation for plaid practically since kindergarten. 

And that concludes the interview! Go check her out with the link I posted above!

Well, see yah next time!



  1. I love this one! ANDOHMYWORDTHEBANANA-MANFROMOUTERSPACE?!?! I KNOW where that one came from! *laughs hysterically*


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